Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm Having a Brown-Streak One-of-Those-Days

I didn't have a great nights sleep last night.

1:10 am (via text message)...

Me: It's after 1 am.  What's all the noise about down there in your room? (Our teenage boys' rooms are in the basement)

13-year old stepson: Sorry.  Opening the window.  It's really warm in my room.

Me: I'm not comfortable with you opening your window on the ground floor.  It may not be safe.

Stepson: It's okay; I only opened it a little bit.

I actually could not sleep after that.  I spent precious hours trying to wrap my head around the logic of this teenager.


Today, the weather is warming up a little so I decided to let our two cabin-fevered cats out in the yard for a few minutes.

SmellyCat, the long-haired Maine Coon scratches at the door when he wants in, so I answered it with a tone of excitement in my voice as they entered the kitchen..."Hey, guys.  How was that?  Did you like that?  Oh, I bet you did...all that lovely fresh air."

As SmellyCat entered my carpeted living room, he displayed a behavior I've only seen in dogs...


Rosie, our short-haired Silver Tabby jumped about four feet and rocketed down the stairs in response to my five-alarm scream.  But not SmellyCat...oh, no.  He just continued dragging his feces covered hairy ass across my carpet.  I've so far scrubbed six brown streaks from my light tan carpet. minute.  Late breaking news from my oldest son...

"Mom, there's a fur ball coughed up downstairs and there're brown streaks all over the carpet."

I gotta go now...

So, how's your day going so far?


I'm back from erasing the bad day from my rugs, and I was thrilled to learn that one of my followers (she's also a blog I follow) has awarded me my first Blog Award.  I will be sure to pay it forward when I get a chance, but thank you Misha at "My First Book" for the lovely honor.  If you would like to visit her, just click on my award below...


Misha Gerrick said...

Yikes! You have my sympathies.

You also have an award on my blog, when you get back from cleaning.

Good luck!


Old Kitty said...

Oh the dreaded kitty who wipes their bums on the carpet syndrome. Oh dear!! I am so sorry!! I've had 6 kitties in my lifetime so far and they are all guilty of such a thing! So infuriating!!!!

So I do feel your pain, I do!!!!
:-) GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! And thank you for making me giggle (sorry, but I did giggle - in empathy of course!!). Take care

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly! LOL, sorry, that just cracked me up (the part about the brown streaks, not the window). We got a Bissell "Spot Bot Pet" for just such occasions, lol. It's like a portable, smaller carpet cleaner. I swear by it.

Thanks for your song idea!

A.T. Post said...

I hope you told him that burglars can slip through a window open no wider than two standard inches. They flatten themselves out, you know. Like octopus.

Talli Roland said...

Oh, SmellyCat! Ugh!

Sounds like you've had quite the night (and day!). Hope it gets better...

Unknown said...

You know, Postman, I really think that my stepson thought exactly that...a burglar would have to squeeze through a two-inch opening. NOT, that said burglar could just slide the window open all the way once it's unlocked. Oye!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I hope you get it out of your rugs...:)

Unknown said...

New follower courtesy of the A to Z challenge :) I am excited to stay awhile and see what you write about!! Congrats on the style award, I just got one myself!!

Check me out over at


P.S. My mom always opened our windows when we were younger, now having the windows open at night gives me the willies too.